EMPEL (European Movement Pro European Languages)

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view post Posted on 12/8/2008, 18:29

You are European and you have nothing against the English language on itself but you are fed up with all the improper use of English words in your language? You want to speak to others who have the same thought than you? We have created a new organisation called EMPEL (European Movement Pro European Languages) which is for defending our European languages against anglicisms. It exists already a part for Italian (AIAPI) and German (UGEWID) which has a small number of members. But we'd like to increase the organisation in our whole splendid continent. Therefore if you are interested in our organisation and maybe want to help us to create even a part of your language, or you are Italian or German and wanna participate in it, please just contact me at [email protected]!
view post Posted on 6/9/2008, 13:46

Che ha detto? Comunque questo è il forum: http://empel.forumfree.net/
1 replies since 12/8/2008, 18:29   141 views